What is a Planned Gift? 
A charitable planned gift is the result of careful and thoughtful planning for the distribution of one's assets to charitable organizations. These gifts are commonly made from assets rather than from income and often involve a planning process utilizing wills and other estate planning documents. A good planned gift can afford the donor increased income and important tax benefits.
For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal and financial benefits. Through United Way of Marion County's planned giving program, you can create a plan that benefits you and your family today, while ensuring vital human care programs are available for generations to come.
The Endowment Fund of United Way of Marion County
We'd Be Glad to be Last on Your List...
After providing for your family and loved ones, please remember the United Way of Marion County in your Estate Plans.
The United Way Endowment Fund is your fund. It was set up to grow and produce earnings that are used to help future generations in Marion County. Annual campaigns alone cannot keep pace with our community's growing needs. Our Planned Giving and Endowment Program can help with your financial planning for the future. Your gift to the Endowment Fund is invested and, while its earnings are used to help meet the most important human care needs in our community, the principal remains intact.
We can help you:
- exchange appreciated property and other assets for lifetime income
- avoid capital gains on gifts
- generate income tax deductions
- enhance retirement resources
Gift Options:
- Charitable bequests
- Stocks and securities - Outright gifts of cash
- Real estate or other property
- Charitable remainder trusts
- Gifts of life insurance
- Charitable lead trusts
- Memorial Gift
- Charitable Gift Annuity
Leave a Legacy of Caring
United Way of Marion County's Endowment Fund's Charitable Gift Annuity is a charitable gift that returns a lifetime of income to you. It may be the perfect choice if you answer yes to any of these questions:
- Do you need to increase your income but not your taxes?
- Do you have appreciated stocks that yield a low dividend and are concerned that selling them to reinvest for a better return would create a sizeable capital gains tax?
- Do you want to enjoy from 6 percent to 12 percent guaranteed lifetime income?
- Do you want to leave a "Legacy of Caring" that helps meet the most important human care needs in our community?
The Charitable Gift Annuity Program is a way for you to make a generous gift to your community and receive a quarterly stipend which increases the cash in your pocket! Assets are transferred to the United Way Endowment Fund with an agreement that fixed rate of return will be paid to you for your lifetime.
- The satisfaction of helping people in need.
- A lifetime of income for you.
- An immediate tax deduction.
- Some income will be tax-free.
- You may avoid capital gains taxes.
- Save on estate and probate taxes.
*rates subject to change
For more information, please contact the Resource Development Department at 352-732-9696.